Team Chamber Design

Project Code name Chamber Design
Project Title Characterization of the Life-time of Under-Water Super-Hydrophobic Surfaces
Abstract A common issue among large water vessels today is the buildup of both barnacles and rust on the outer surface of water-bound vessels. A method to combat such buildup, is through the design and creation of specialized surfaces to be applied or implemented on the vessel’s outer surface. This surface creates a protective layer of air between the precious materials. This project’s sponsor, Dr. Hangjian Ling, has spent his time researching the longevity of superhydrophobic surfaces and methods to extend their life. With that in mind, our team was asked to design, prototype, and manufacture an experimental testing facility for use by both Dr. Ling and his graduate students. The research performed with the chamber will attempt to better understand and study superhydrophobic surfaces and their interactions with water droplets. This group worked in conjunction with the “Surface” group to create a better overall product that has the ability to test their samples while maintaining safety and manufacturing standards.
Faculty advisor Dr. Hangjian Ling
Sponsor Dr. Hangjian Ling from UMassD
Team lead Samuel Almeida
Team Members Olivia Brochu; Benjamin Gershman; Tim Post; Aleksey Bourgoun
Evaluation form Link
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Report file Available open reasonable request
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